2019-11-27 Initial Filings Folder
2019-11-27 NCSCV “Victory Statement”
Articles about the victory statement are collected here.
2019-12-16 Document Dump Folder
- Chronological summary of events from the UNC System's perspective - provides more context for the following documents in this list
- August 28, 2018 Resolution by the UNC BoG - directs then-Chancellor Folt and the UNC-CH Board of Trustees to figure out what to do with Silent Sam by November 15, 2018
- August 28, 2018 Memo by the UNC-CH Board of Trustees - response to the resolution, using lots of words to say “ok, fine.”
- December 3, 2018 Plan by UNC-CH (plus an appendix) - this was the “$5.3 million dollar Klan Mousoleum” document
- December 14, 2018 Chair's Motion (from the BoG meeting with these minutes)- rejects the $5.3 million Klan Mausoleum proposal. Asks Darrell Allison, Jim Holmes, Wendy Murphy, Anna Nelson, and Bob Rucho to come up with a new plan by March 15, 2019
- February 19, 2019 email requesting a meeting - from Jake Sullivan, Chief of Staff of the NC Sons of Confederate Veterans, to Bob Rucho, who forwarded it to Tom Shanahan
- March 1, 2019 email - from Harry Smith to Bill Roper, Tom Shanahan, and Chris McClure. Indefinitely extends the timeline for the 5 BoG members past March 15, asks for a report in May.
- May 14, 2019 report - the report is that there is nothing to report
- November 21, 2019 agreement - formalizes the $74,999 Giveaway and anticipates the upcoming settlement. Signed by Kevin Stone and William Roper
- November 25, 2019 notice of the upcoming Nov. 27 meeting
- November 25 and 26, 2019 emails - seeking and recieving approval from William McKinney in Governor Cooper's office to get outside counsel for the UNC and the UNC BoG. Describes an “attached request for outside counsel” that doesn't seem to be in the document dump.
- November 25, 2019 approval of outside counsel - from William McKinney in Governor Cooper's office. Approves Ripley Rand, partner in Womble Bond Dickson, to be hired for up to $125,000 due to him having become familiar with surrounding issues. References a January 7, 2019 approval of several law forms for several purposes. (That letter is not available.)
- November 26, 2019 letter - from William Roper to Kevin Guskiewicz explaining the Monument Trust and $74,999 payment and asking UNC-CH to go ahead and transfer $2,574,999 to the UNC System Office.
- November 27, 2019 minutes of the Committee on University Governance (a closed session during this meeting) - approval of the settlement. Moved by David Powers. Opposed by Thom Goolsby. Tom Fetzer wants you to know that he wasn't on the call anymore.
- UNC Policy Manual Section 200.5 - this was mentioned in the Op-Ed by members of the Board.
- NC SCV v. UNC and UNC BoG - lawsuit filed on November 27, 2019
- Response to suit by UNC BoG - submitted by Ripley Rand of Womble Bond Dickinson
- Judgment in suit - decision by Judge R. Allen Baddour
- Monument Trust - document creating the Monument Trust
- December 14, 2019 letter - from Kevin Stone of the NC SCV to Jim Holmes